Friday, March 28, 2014

The Jersey Devil is a Man: Sketchbook Friday

The Jersey Devil is a fabled creature. Whatever the origin, a winged beast was soon being sighted around the region and Pine Barrens became synonymous with a creature known as the Jersey Devil (see the photo below). I had heard about the creature on the Coast to Coast AM radio show (my personal favorite show) and it had stuck in my mind. When I sat down to do some sketches this guy kinda just came out. When I thought about it later I wondered if the idea was inspired by the creature itself. The Jersey Devil has haunted my sketches......ahhhhhhhh.

Each Friday at noon I scan in one new sketch or drawing from one of my many sketchbooks. Many times my sketches are ideas for larger projects that you might find on my fine art website William Hessian dot com, or as projects right here on my Bearded Bunny art blog. If you enjoy these sketches make sure to also see my Favorite 20 sketches from 2011 or go back and check out all of the sketchbook friday posts.

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