Saturday, April 10, 2010

Castle Hydra Maze

Drive kids crazy with the castle hydra maze. A little determination will get you to the shield, but after you make it back to the hydra, that is when it gets frustrating. The maze is not very high on the difficulty scale (especially if you start from the end) but it does take a good amount of time to get through the entire thing.

The hydra maze is based on a maze I created when I was in high school. It featured a very similar look, and beast in the center. I did have the hedge maze, nor the water in the original and this one is a little more theme oriented.

Print it off and enjoy. To print off other free mazes check out all of my printable mazes including a brain in a jar, splatter maze and more.


Took said...

wow. that's all I can say. wow.

Alicia Billings said...

Your mazes are awesome. They need to be in a book! It would put all other maze books to shame.

Kris said...

Holy Crap.

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