i create art, and i kill art. i also move a lot (10 times in 5 years)! luckily i have good friends and family who help me move from place to place. it does seem like an odd juxtaposition between being so careful when moving, and then savagely destroying the same object.
making art in minneapolis, killing art in minneapolis. making art in jamestown, killing art in jamestown. sometimes i make art, and then hide art.
Good one!
Are you & your friend the only artists who have these art kills? I think it's a great idea. I wonder if it's ever been difficult, destroying your work.
One of my favorite webcomics! It is very funny because it's true!
Haha, nice one.
Alicia- it's never really difficult destroying work that is pre-determined to be destroyed. If I had to, or accidentally destroyed a work I had assumed would be around for a while. Then I would have a hard time. For art battles and canvas kill lives, I just make sure I do not get attached to the work.
There is not much art destruction in the art world today. Although here and there you hear about things like this. Like shaman sand paintings, or intense technical teachers that destroy a work to prove that the process is the important part of the art.
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