Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Visionary art of Benjamin Isaiah Flint

Ben Flint is a good friend of mine, who creates some really impressive artworks. His work deserves some attention, and you should treat your eyes to his work by attending this opening reception:

Opening Night Saturday April 25th 6-9pm

Nielsen Gallery
44th and France
Minneapolis MN 55410

Meet the artist and discuss how dreaming and shamanism are represented with his art.
Understand the process of creative healing through his work as a visionary healer. Understand what Benjamin Isaiah’s processes are for his therapeutic art commissions. See the dream of the artist through his visionary work. Explore self discovery while being entertained and surprised by the words and work of the mystical artist.

Check out Benjamin Isaiah Flint's artwork online:

1 comment:

Chief Running Mouth said...

Ben Flint is the only artist I buy from.

Edward Flint

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