The first of six miniature art hunts I am performing this summer begins May 29th. St. Louis Park, Minnesota; my home town, is the first to start on the hunt for ten original artworks. Prizes and award ceremony provided by Parktacular
Check out the 60 different tiny (1 inch by 1.5 inches) SLP's Splash into Summer examples shown above, and also read more about the location of all six hunts and see visual clues on the Art as Treasure website.
The last few weeks I have been slaving over the computer writing postcards to galleries, art teacher, art centers', newspapers, ect trying to promote my art hunts in each individual city. I am also trying to figure out a good way to find small business sponsor to offer gift certificates to the winners of each artwork. It has been a hard treck to this point, and I have hours of busy work, phone calls, faxes, emails and letters to mail out before I am done with this process.
Check out the video I made pleaing for donation to help support the gas prices during my art tour.....boy did I pick a rough time to go on a cross country road trip.
Learn more at Art as treasure: Art hunt 2008
Also check out all of my 20 Jumpcut videos
Make sure to see my past video Kill Junk Mail
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