I once had this brilliant plan, of only paying for things when I had the money for it. Staying debt free. This plan as brilliant as it sounds led me to get a car long after everyone else did, led me to work endless hours in the summer to pay for college each semester and left me at one point with an apartment with nothing bu tart supplies (which I actually enjoyed).
New Plan
Not long after that I began my own airbrush business with a friends dad, we called it Billy and the Old Man Design. It was fun, and I was convinced that a good car was a smart investment and just like that I went in debt for the first time in my life. This was 14 months ago. Since this plunge I have taken out 6 credit cards (i only use two) and travelled to Iceland. My 2008 art tour, which I post about all the time here on this blog (simply look back a few blogs ago for details about it) was a huge success in terms of accomplishment but a loss in terms of making money. Leading me to be as broke as I have been since grade school (when all i would do was spend my money on hockey cards).
Now, do not get me wrong, I'm not completely out of options. Currently it looks bad since I am unemployed for the time being but I have some prospect jobs and I trying to strategize the best way to get back on my feet. The airbrushing business has been scaled back to almost nothing and selling art online is not all that profitable as any aritst can tell you.
Find Financial Freedom
I have heard phrases like "find financial freedom" and "get out of debt fast & easy" and normally I ignore those things. I have been looking over Freedom Debt Relief and seeing some of the actual options. The boast being able to lower your debt down %50, and get me debt free in 12-36 months. I am curious how much income one would need to have to make this possible. Maybe I should call for the ten minute consultation. Ten minutes is a lot of time though.
I seem to have a lot of friends in debt, but very few seem to be getting out. I have never heard of anyone specifically using a debt free service before, and I am nervous to be the first. I will no doubt try to draw my way out of this predicament before I call, but yet I am curious. I find it interesting that this particular debt site says it is an agreesive approach to becomming debt free. They apparently have leverage to negotiate debt down to 50% of its initial amount. If true this would be basically free money.
If I decide to call Freedom Debt Relief I will make sure to keep you posted. In the meantime I will eating cheap and doing all that I can to make the money myself. A starving artist can be a very dangerous person, in a good way. Being creative to find a way to afford your lifestyle is when amazing work has the potential to happen. Giving up on the dream by getting a terrible job, taking out more loans, or going bankrupt just is not my style. Once I get debt free I am going back to only paying for things I have the money for. Brilliant!
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