May 29th, 2008
Splash into Summer with a Parktacular Miniature Artwork hunt
St. Louis Park, MN
I have created ten original brightly colored miniature paintings to be hidden in the parks of St. Louis Park. Awards will be given to the 10 winners of the hunt. Visual clues will be uploaded daily and available on my personal website.
This hunt is one of 6 miniature artwork hunts I will be completing this summer. The hunts include the:
St. Louis Park Splash into Summer Hunt
Jamestown Buffalo Hunt
Billings Trout Hunt
Portland Squirrel Hunt
Costa Mesa Sea Crab Hunt
Salt Lake City Desert Tortoise Hunt

here is Nick Dalager at last year's hunt finding the miniature bunny. see more images of last years hunt here

here is Patrick Boongarts who found the tiny horse (see the little artwork?)
Also make sure to check out the Squirrel Hunt and the miniature Trout Hunt posts and learn more about supporting my art tour 2008.
All art as treasure 2008 information can be found on my personal website: www.williamhessian.com
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