Today, I met my Grandma and her friend at the lecture and slideshow of photographer Tina Barney. I honestly had not heard of her or her work prior to this lecture. Here is a good Tina Barney link to see some of her incredible photographs.

Tina Barney's photographs are incredibly complex and brilliantly composed. I found myself drooling over the narratives, textures and colors. She talked a lot about repetition and negative space and how different parts of her photos played off other elements in the same photo. When I got to my parents house after the lecture I decided to take two photos of my parents trying to use some of the ideas that Barney was speaking about. Here is what I came up with:

If you happen to be reading this, I would love your impression of the two photos. Which one is more compelling, visually interesting and what narratives do they suggest?
Later that night I sped off to the Walker Art Center to visit old friends and the new shows. Little did I know that Julianna Barwick was performing some impressive surreal looping vocals in one of the galleries.

Juliana Barwick, who I also had not heard of before being pleasantly surprised by her mid-gallery performance, was incredible. The gallery sound shot her vocals right through your soul, and by the end of each 10 minute song it sounded like gangs of singing angels flying over your heard. If you are not familiar with her music, I highly suggest looking her up.
If you enjoyed this post you might also enjoy my other posts about photography. You might also enjoy learning about all of my art hunts across the country. Remember also to check back every Friday to see Sketchbook Fridays.
I prefer. It looks like your dad is sitting writing but taking a moment to close his eyes. Perhaps he's sitting silently in thought, or maybe he needed to take a break and clear his head. Your mom looks like she is deep in thought and disconnected from her surroundings.
I like that they are divided by the wall but the doorway is visible showing how they are connected.
It also shows a bit more of the environment. I feel like the lower left corner of the photo sucks me in. I am drawn to the red box because of it noticed how much really like the reading glasses and book.
The other photo feels like it is cut in half. I like the perspective but I think that it would be better in a wider doorway so you could stand back farther and the wall wouldn't take up quite so much space. I feel like the first thing my eyes run into is a stop sign and then gets hung up on the stuff along the walls. It was harder for me to focus on the relationship between your parents because of it.
That should say I prefer the top one.
The top photo tells more of a story, two worlds integrated into the same home; a bit of a puzzle because the split is not apparent at first. The first photo makes better use of the difference in ceiling height in the kitchen enhancing the effect. I thought this was an excellent photo, even before asking for critique. Good overall balancing of shapes, and colors, etc. Totally rocking the magentas - dots of flowers and stripes on the towel, and the books intersecting the lines of the door way. Love it.
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