May 31st and June 1st is the weekend that the Red Hot Arts Festival comes to Stevens Square Park. Live music, live artwork, food, events, excitement! I went last year and had a blast.
This year, Matt Semke and myself are getting involved by having an art battle! Billy Vs Matt 9: Dinosuars Vs Cave Man. The art battle will take place live, as the onlooking crowd can vote on which artwork would win in a battle....the losing artwork will be chopped up with an axe, and no sooner than the losing work is destroy do Matt and myself sit down for the next round of Dinosaur Vs Cave Man. I will make a post with more details about it.
Check out the amazing list of artists that will be at this years art festival:
Aneesa Adams
Erika Backberg - www.teatreedesigns.com
France Barbeau - http://franceflick.blogspot.com/
April Barnhart - www.myspace.com/aprilsjewelrybox
Chris Bart - www.chrisbartdesign.com
Caleb Barton
Michelle Barlow - www.loosewirestudio.etsy.com
Jenna Brouse - blog.jennabrouse.com
Mok Buakaow - www.mnartists.org/julaporn_mok_buakaow
Jocelyn Bullock
Megan Burns - www.myspace.com/goldhoax
Robyn Carley
Keli Catalano - http://catalanosoapco.etsy.com
Manuel Cevallos - www.mnartists.org/manny_cevallos
Jonathan Clark - www.jclarkfineart.com
Sherri Dahl - www.mnartists.org/sherri_dahl
Charles Denton - www.storyofdim.com
Beck Derobertis - www.bringmossback.com
Ryan Dyer - www.ryandyer.com
Jason Ericson - www.mnartists.org/spoon
Samah Fahmy - www.studiosamah.com
Tim Feeney - www.timfeeney.net
Toni Feist
Venessa Fielder - www.juniperpear3.devaintart.com
Kendra Gebbia - artbykendra.com
Gina Germ
Jason Gillman - www.jasongillman.net
Lucas Gluesenkamp - www.fuedalmembrane.blogspot.com
Marissa Grasmick
Cris T Halverson - http://crist.home.mindspring.com
Brandon Hanna - http://apt51pottery.blogspot.com
William Hessian - www.williamhessian.com
Aaron Hinkel - www.mnartists.org/aaron_hinkel
Ana Hunter
Martha Iserman - www.bigredsharks.com
Lindy Jepsen
Jasmine King
Cody Kiser
Abbey Kleinert
Jess Knelhopfer
Karin Knudsen
Jennie Lanners - www.jenniethepotter.com
Anna Leahy - http://www.mnartists.org/anna_leahy
Amy Lesch - http://amy.lesch.googlepages.com
Joe Lipscomb
Dave Logsdon
Andrew MacDonald - www.flickr.com/photos/andrewmacdonald
Rebecca Jo Malmstrom - www.duckieuglings.com
Michael Mason - www.martists.org/mike_mason
Andy McInnis
Libby Meissner
Ann Meyers
Meghan Molenda - www.mepottery.com
Elizabeth Mongomery
Alex Morso - www.mnartists.org/alex_morso
Margaret Nimocks - www.margarette.etsy.com
Kelly Nordahl - www.bellykelly.deviantart.com
Vicki Olson - www.7two7glass.com
Mary K Peterson
Christopher Pole - www.thisisnotasquare.com
Erin Sayer - www.erinsayer.com
Michael Scortino
Sabra Sherer - www.sparklyart.com
Matt Semke - www.catswilleatyou.com
Ashley Shelby - www.ashleyshelby.com
Aly Snyder - www.brackleberry.com
Zach Swenson - http://s157.photobucket.com/albums/t44/zacharyedwardclair/
John Terwilliger
Willa Thornburg - www.robert-thornburg.com/willaburke/
Marci Tiesel
Tim Traver
Jill Van Sickle - www.artworkbyjill.com
Garland Villanova
Guy Wagner - www.students.mcad.edu/~gwagner
Koren Walsh - www.blisshoops.com
Emily Walen - http://emnemily.deviantart.com/
Leslie Weddell
Matt Wells - www.lizardmanart.com
Willow Wicklund
Jeannie Willias - www.jeanniesdeathbyart.com
It's an impressive group, I personally urge everyone to check out Martha Iserman's amazing drawings, Matt Well's futuristic ink drawings to get a sampling of the talent that will be at Steven Square park.
Get involved!
1 comment:
hey William..
I love your Bunnies !!!
I have added your blog to new listings on the May update of 101 Top Artists' Blogs List :)
have a great day :)
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